Living The Gypsy Life

If I had my way, I would either be at home the couch or travelling. 

Nothing in between! I love being at home with my family, but I love travelling with them more. But with businesses to run and busy lives to lead, of course, this is impossible! One can always dream can't they?  

The perfect way to fulfil these fantasies is through books! I am instantly drawn to any book reflecting this nomadic lifestyle and I find them truly inspirational for decorating ideas, travel ideas and fashion ideas.  Living like a gypsy doesn’t need to be all consuming. It can be done in small touches and mixed in with your decor. It’s about colour and texture, smell and ambience. And all of these can be created very simply.

How to live like a gypsy

  • Mix up your flowers. Pinks with reds, different blooms with foliage in between. You want eclectic, not matchy matchy!
  • Use different types of vases, old jars and jugs to create a layering look.
  • Go all out on patterned serviettes. Place them on a patterned tablecloth. Hit your local fabric store and buy a few metres, use this as your cloth and build from there.
  • A bright patterned scarf will add a little zing to an all black outfit; don't be afraid to wear a bright colour. Maybe not all at once, but introducing colour (especially in the colder months) will always make you feel a little happier! If it makes you nervous, start small - earrings, a bright pendant…
  • Have a beautiful embroidered throw? Don’t leave it on the arm of the couch. Hang it on the wall, make cushions out of it, stretch it over a  canvas. Show it off and display it, bring colour and pattern into corners of your home.
  • That old coffee table book that's looking a little old but you love the images inside- frame in a variety of different shaped frames and hang on a wall.
  • Use  mirror to create interesting light - go to an op shop and layer different sizes on top of each other.
  • Old leather suitcases create a fantastic feel when placed on top of each other to make a side table.
  • Don't be afraid to hang a variety of lanterns in a cluster from the roof. The more varied the better and hang all at different heights.

Inspiration can come from anywhere and everywhere, and there are some fantastic books that I have been inspired by when decorating that I am sure you will also love.

Gypset Living Series by Julia Chaplin

I love this series of books as it really shows you how to live the life of a gypsy. The photos are great and incredibly inspiring, my favourite being able to look into peoples homes from all over the world living this gypsy lifestyle. I love peeking into the homes of others!

Bowerbird, Nomad & Gypsy by Sibella Court

I just love this Australian Stylist whose books are a visual treat of drawings, painting, vignettes and interiors. The way she layers things visually makes you want to become a Gypsy hoarder. She has a fantastic eye and I just adore these books.


Are you feeling inspired?