Want To ADVERTISE With Chyka?
Chyka.com presents the best products and ideas to our readers. Chyka.com works with brands to create original, aspirational content of the highest quality. Chyka can show her audience how your brand can be applied to their homes via practical demonstrations or integration within editorial content.
The Chyka.com audience are attracted to Chyka's aspirational style, kindness and positive attitude. They enjoy useful and easy-to-follow tips and ideas, and the reader's feedback and comments across social media confirm this.
Our audience consists of a 93% female readership, with the two strongest demographics being 45-54 (27%) and 25-44 (25%).
Nearly 90% of readers choose to access the website on their smartphones or tablets.
Please contact Lea Troiano at Chyka Pty Ltd (info@chyka.com) to further explore advertising opportunities and request a media kit.