Make Your Own Hearts This Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day -

The heart motif on Valentine's Day is too sweet to ignore.

I love to spread the love in my home, and a simple heart can really make the day special and I love seeing this motif throughout my home.

I've decided to keep it simple this year as Bruce and I will be staying in on the night, so I have cut out as many red, pink and patterned paper hearts that I could and have scattered them across my Valentine's night dinner table. 

I love the look of having different sizes and colours scattered across the dinner table, it highlights the casual nature of a quiet dinner at home.

What you will need

  • A variety of coloured paper (I would suggest sticking to 1-2 colours and playing with various tones in this colour. Also having some patterned paper adds a fun touch).

  • Pencil

  • Scissors

How to do it

  1. Take one sheet of paper and draw an outline of a heart to you liking.

  2. Once satisfied, gathered a handful of sheets and stack behind our outlined paper. Take your scissors and cut out the outline to create multiples of your heart.

  3. Repeat this process by experimenting with different sized hearts and colour paper.

  4. Paired with a vase full of beautiful red rose as the centrepiece with candles, I think this is such a lovely way to celebrate the day if you are planning on a quiet night in with your loved one.