Rules For Packing



OK, OK! I’ll admit it….

…I do slightly overpack, as you never know what might come your way, but I do have a routine I use for every trip I pack, both big and small! I do a lot of travelling - overseas and within Australia, so being organised and planning ahead with the weather is a must. When packing clothes for a European holiday, it's essential to consider the various climates and activities you'll encounter - I wrote a whole post about my packing tips. My basic rule is: bring versatile pieces that can be layered. This approach will prepare you for varying temperatures and weather conditions. Packing comfortable shoes is also a good idea, as I tend to walk a lot when travelling, so my sandal-to-heel ratio is very much skewed towards a comfy sandal! Mix and match outfits that can be dressed up or down to suit different occasions.

Packing tricks I have learnt along the way…

  • I make sure all bras are packed separately for bathers and gym wear so they are easy to find.

  • Always pack your first outfit on top. You don’t want to unpack everything. A must-do if your first port of call is only a quick stopover.

  • Place shoes around the edge of the bag and fill the gaps with things like scarves and socks.

  • I always roll my clothes as it gives you more room.

  • I always pack another outfit and toiletries in my carry-on in case my bags go missing or I can’t get straight into our hotel room.

  • Wear heavier items like jackets and boots.

  • Use packing pods to separate your clothes; they are a life saver!

  • Space bags are ideal for transporting bulky coats and maximising space; they are also great for squashing down Ugg boots. 

  • A good jewellery roll is essential if you don’t want your jewels to get tangled and mixed up, and they can wedge in a pair of sneakers at the bottom of your bag. 

  • A sarong is as helpful as a towel, a wrap or a picnic rug! 

  • Dressy sandals can go from day to night, as a killer pair of heels is no good if you walk on the beach. 

  • You may not be able to wash your hair, but a spray bottle with water and conditioner can do the trick - spray and comb, and at least you’ll feel a little less ratty! 

  • Baby wipes can be used as makeup removers, napkins, band-aids, stain blotters and toilet paper.

I have a clothes rack that neatly stores away in my dressing room that I drag out to hang everything I need for my trip. This is an excellent way to ensure I have the right shoes, underwear and jewellery for the travelling outfits. If I have a special event that we are going to while away, I make sure I have everything the outfit needs, plus a wrap or jacket if it gets cold and different shoes just in case my first options get uncomfortable; you have to be prepared! I then look at all my other clothes and see what can be mixed and matched. The items that don’t work so well together get put away, and I start eliminating - tops, pants, bathers - everything! I think you are getting the drift of my routine….If it doesn’t all work together, it doesn’t get packed! Simple. If space is limited, a great pair of jeans, ballet flats, and a blazer look great, as the look can be changed with a different scarf or a pair of heels. I always give myself time to look and re-look at what I have packed so I can add or delete.